1572015 Related Question Answers

76. The following article of the Indian constitution can be amended only with the ratification of states :

77. Identify the officer with a right to speak in both houses of parliament.-.

78. The minimum number of judges required for hearing a presidential reference under Article 143 is :

79. The idea of unified personal laws is associated with :

80. There is-----------:-----hourly bus from here to the capital city. (Insert the correct article)

81. I must apologize you for the delay in reaching here(Insert the correct preposition)

82. As he is unemployed, he has he has.........money to buy a scooter. (Choose the correct adjective)

83. The stranger said to me, ‘which is the shortest route to the railway station?’ (Turn to indirect speech)

84. Find out the antonym for modest:

85. A wild goose chase means :

86. Let them build a hospital here (Change the voice) :

87. The Integrated Child Development scheme was first set up in which district of Kerala :

88. The project Bharath Nirman was mainly intended to the development of :

89. Jawahar Rozgar Yojana mainly intended to promote------------among rural people.

90. The first executive director of Kudumbasree mission :

91. The recognition for innovative practices of Kudumbasree was awarded by UN in 1995 is :

92. Sampoora Grameen Rozar was implemented through :

93. Valmiki Ambedkar Awas Yojana launched by :

94. Kudumbasree literally means :

95. The term gigabytes refers to :

96. iRAM stands for :

97. In whichyear was Cyber law implemented in India?

98. FTP means :

99. DMA refers to :

100. In TCP protocol header “Checksum” is of:

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