1572015 Related Question Answers

51. Sudden and heritable change occurs in chromosome :

52. Loss of water in the form of vapour through stomata :

53. Gens are located in :

54. Chemical name of “AJINOMOTO” :

55. Who among the following Prime Ministers of Thailand' was ordered to step down by Constitutional court of Thailand on 7 May 2014?

56. Which date was observed as “Malala Day” by United Nations in 2013?

57. The world’s biggest building “New Century Global Centre” is built in which city?

58. Who are the two former Popes of Catholic Church declared saints by Pope Francis on April 27, 2014?

59. Who won the national award for best actor 2013 for his role in Perariyathavar?

60. The oldest Indian mountain range :

61. The British governor general in India during the Great Rebellion :

62. The Satyagraha which is considered to be the forerunner of Gandhiji’s hunger strikes in India :

63. The nationalist leader who exposed the exploitation of the British Rule in India :

64. Asia’s largest road cum rail bridge is built across the river :

65. The Manchester of India :

66. Which monsoon brings the dry, cool and dense Central Asian air masses to large parts of India?

67. Yokashema Sabha’ was founded by :

68. The lines connecting places of equal air pressure

69. The Vaikom Sathyagraha was started on :

70. The most important incident of Quit India Movementin Kerala was :

71. ‘Hortus Malabaricus’ was the contribution of:

72. The Abstention Movement was started in :

73. The term ‘Socialist’ was added to the Indian constitution by :

74. In the case of preventive detention the maximum period of detention without therecommendation of advisory board is :-

75. The member of a state public commission can be removed by :

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