1. Rochdale equitable Society started in the year of:

2. ACRC was setup in the year of:

3. The year of payment of Bonus Act:

4. AMUL is for:

5. Expand NDDS:

6. Sufficient Stamp should be affixed if the value exceeds:

7. Who was the Chairman of the Partition Council?

8. Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with amendment procedure?

9. #NAME?

10. -----------is the first Co-operative Societies Act in India.

11. — is the law relating Co-operative Societies in the State.

12. — number of persons are required for registration in a Co-operative Society.

13. According to Section- the government may appoint a person to be the registrar.

14. According to rule —:lies down the classification of society.

15. Rule 16 and 20 of the Societies Act lies down two procedure for getting :

16. Section 18 of the Act. a Society can admit individual as a :

17. — are the members of ICA.

18. -----believes in the theory of “Survival of the Fittest'.

19. Formation of Co-operative wholesale store was the development of Co-operation in :

20. Germany is considered to be the

21. Schulze Delitzsch was born in :

22. The Schulze bank was formed on the basis of......liability

23. Raiffeisen was born in the year of:

24. Luzzati started Society in :

25. The primary objective of Luzzati to help the------people.

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