2392015 Related Question Answers

1. Accountants treat a business ns distinct from the persons who own it. This concept is termed ns :

2. The expenditure which results in t he acquisition of an asset, tangible or intangible which can later be sold or converted into cash or which results in an increase in the earning capacity of a business or which affords some other advantage to the firm :

3. The assets which constantly change in value through transactions that are entered into are called :

4. The accounting practices should remain the same from one year to another as per :

5. Retained Earnings is a :

6. The arithmetical accuracy of the accounts can he checked by preparing :

7. The dual aspect of accounting is ensured in the :

8. Transactions are entered in the books of account at the amount actually involved in the concept of:

9. The Balance sheet is also called:

10. “The art of recording classifying and summarising in a significant manner and in terms of money transactions and events which are in part at least, of a financial character and interpreting the results thereof...” :

11. The shares whose value which fluctuates in the market with the fortunes of the company :

12. The maximum capital that the company is authorised to raise :

13. Super Profit Method is used in the valuation of:

14. The issue of debentures is regulated by :

15. When one company takes over another company, it is called?

16. When the purchase consideration is given directly by stating the amount to be paid by the purchasing company to the shareholders of the vendor company?

17. When the shares arc issued for the first time by the company to the public it is called?

18. When shares are forfeited the share holder?

19. Issue of bonus shares can otherwise be called as :

20. The aggregate of the shares and other securities issued and payment in cash by the buyer company to the shareholders of the vendor company :

21. The amount of expenditure actual or notional incurred or attributable to a given thing :

22. The optimum quantity for which order is placed when materials are to he purchased :

23. The method of ascertaining cost in those industries in which goods arc manufactured or services are rendered against specific orders from customers

24. Provision for increase in the contract price to accommodate increase in materials and labour cost:

25. The statement which is designed to show the output of a particular accounting period along with break-up of costs ;

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