1242016 Related Question Answers

76. Which of the following cooperative organization has its retail outlet named 'Triveni” ?

77. Meaning of the term ‘quid pro quo is

78. Which of the following is not a special type of contract ?

79. Which is an example of perfect positive correlation ?

80. PLC means

81. Fourteen Commercial Banks were nationalised in

82. Which of the following is not a current asset ?

83. Bank account is aaccount.

84. Which of the following is a feedback technique ?

85. Which Missionary society started the first primary school at Kallai in Malabar ?

86. ‘Vedhadhikaraniroopanam’ is a work by

87. Who founded the Samathwa Samajam

88. Vaghbatananda was associated with

89. ‘The Islam Dharma Paripalana Samajam’ was founded by

90. The ‘Upper cloth revolt of 1859’ was started by the women folk of which community ?

91. ‘Athmopadesasathakam is written by

92. Which Part of the Indian Constitution deals with the Directive Principles of State Policy ?

93. Who was the first Director of the ‘Kerala Bhasha Institute' ?

94. Who started the paper ‘Mitavadi’ ?

95. In ‘UAPA what is the expansion of ‘U’ ?

96. ‘Rajyasamacharam’, the first newspaper in Malayalam was published from

97. Which Constitutional Amendment incorporated Fundamental duties in to the Indian Constitution ?

98. Inclusion of the educated natives in the higher grades of public services was a demand of which of these movements ?

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