26. Which among the following is not a modification of Gram’s staining?

27. In lactophenol cotton blue stain, the function of cotton blue is to :

28. The most common method of fixing a bacterial smear is :

29. The natural immunity present in an individual is :

30. Nosocomial infection means infection acquired from :

31. The specimen taken from a dead dog for diagnosis of rabies is :

32. For separation of serum, blood is collected in :

33. Bacterial colonies having a raised or bulging centre is called :

34. Methyl red test is used to detect:

35. The most common enzyme used ina polymerase chainreaction is:

36. Indian Standards Institution is now known us :

37. The maximum permissible level of total hardness in drinking water as per Indian standard is:I

38. The headquarters of FAO is situated in :

39. The agar recommended for antibiotic sensitivity testing is :

40. Which among the following is not a platform testfor milk?

41. Urinary crystal having coffin lid appearance is :

42. Drepanocytes are seen in :

43. In D1 Guglielmo's syndrome the predominant cell is:

44. Which of the following is a water soluble wax?

45. Urobilinogen is completely absent in :

46. Non specific PAS staining is encountered after this fixation :

47. DIC is a complication of:

48. 1 gm Hb can bind with :

49. Black coloured urine is a feature of:

50. Glanzmann’s disease is associated with :

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