0472016 Related Question Answers

76. The latest FAO ranking of India among the world’s top marine capture fish producers

77. The highest capture fisheries contributing region of the world lies in :

78. Headquarters of NFDB is located in :

79. Which of the following fish is not included under Schedule I of the Indian Wildlife Act (1972)?

80. Which of the following kind of fish are most suited for stocking in open water cages?

81. Which part of the Indian constitution is contained the emergency provisions?

82. When was the Environment (Protection) Act come into force?

83. Who established the first printing press in Kerala in 1811?

84. Who introduced 'proverty' (village school) scheme in Travancore in 1871?

85. Who was the first Government Inspector of Schools in Malabar and Canara?

86. Who was the first president of the Travancore Devaswom Board?

87. When was Poyikayil Yohannan nominated to the Sree Mulam Praja Sabha for the first time?

88. Who among the following rulers had announced that the lower castes including the Nadar Climber women have no right to wear upper clothes?

89. Which among the following organisations was founded in the year 1907?

90. Which incident is associated with the Wagon Tragedy?

91. Who started the first Malayalam Newspaper ‘Keralapatrika’ from Malabar in the year 1884?

92. Who wrote the famous Malayalnm novel Ushnamekhala’?

93. Who among the following women freedom fighters is popularly called as the Jhansi Rani of Travancore”?

94. What is the original name of Brahmananda Sivayogi?

95. Who founded Sree Narayana Vidyalaya at Payyannur for the education and all round progress of the Harijans of Kerala?

96. In which year the Government of India had conferred the title ‘Rao Bahadur’ to Oyyarathu Chandu Menon?

97. Which city in Congo is identified as the perfect place for HIV to spread Africa and into wider world?

98. Which prize is popularly known as the Nobel Prize in Mathematics?

99. Which tree is selected as the state tree of Karnataka?

100. Which among the following years has been decided as the SAARC year for Cultural Heritage?

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