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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 4561

228051. Across which river is the Almatti Darn built?

228052. $$\frac{2}{3}, \frac{4}{6}, \frac{6}{9}$$ are:

228053. Who among the following founded the religion Din-i-Ilahi?

228054. What is the surface of a piece of metal that is in the form of a parallelogram whose base is 20 cm and height is 5.4 cm?

228055. $$(-5)\left\{20 -(-2) \times (-8)\right\}$$ = ?

228056. Which year will have the same calendar as that of 2005?

228057. A man travels from point A to B at 40 km/hr and returns from B to A at 60 km/hr. What is his average speed during the whole journey?

228058. Which of the following pairs are co-primes?

228059. Two pipes A and B can fill an empty cistern in 1.8 and 2.7 hours, respectively. Pipe C can drain the entire cistern in 4.5 hours when no other pipe is in operation. Initially when the cistern was empty Pipe A and Pipe C were turned on. After a few hours Pipe A was turned off and Pipe B was turned on instantly. In all it took 5.5 hours to fill the cistern. For how many hours was Pipe B turned on?

228060. Read the given statement(s) and conclusions carefully and select which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statement(s). Statements: • No Raccoon is Fox • Some Fox are Hyena Conclusions: 1. Some Hyena are Foxes 2. Some Foxes are Raccoons 3. No Raccoon is Hyena

228061. Mridula runs a small pet shop. Her expense distribution is given as: 90% in procurement and 10% in paying rents and electricity. If she spends ₹ 15,000 on rent and electricity on a monthly basis. then how much does she spend every month in procurement?

228062. Supriya is the sister of Akhil. How is Akhil's father's mother related to Supriya?

228063. Find the missing number in the following series. 7, 10, 14, ?, 25, 32

228064. Calculate the current drawn from a generator having a voltage output of 220 V when connected to a motor having a power of 1100 W.

228065. Read the given statements and the following conclusions carefully and select which of the conclusions logically follow(s) from the statements. Statements: • All vessels are pot. • All pot are mud. Conclusions: 1. All vessels are mud. 2. Some mud are pot.

228066. The work done by friction is not lost but is transferred as .......... energy.

228067. Which figure follows next in this pattern:

228068. The length of each of the sides of a rhombus is given as 5 m and the length of one of its diagonals is 2.8 m. Find the area of the rhombus.

228069. Who launched UPI 2.0 in 2018?

228070. Which of the following dance form is popularly performed in Telangana state?

228071. The atomic number of Potassium is 19 and its mass number is 39. The number of neutrons its atom is ............

228072. The mean score of 3 students in a test out of 25 is 18. Two new students lake the test. What is the lowest marks that can be obtained by one newcomer who scores less than the other one for the overall average of the five students to rise to 20?

228073. A block of mass 10 kg accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed of 2 nits in 20 s. The average power developed in time interval of 0 to 20 seconds is :

228074. The tendency of a body to resist change in a state of rest or state of motion is called ..........

228075. Study the following figure carefully and answer the question that follows. If the pivot is shifted 3 cm towards left, then what will be the moment of the couple at the new position?

228076. In the circle below, chord $$\overline{AB}$$ is extended to meet the tangent $$\overline{DE}$$ at D. If $$\overline{AB}$$ = 9 cm and $$\overline{BD}$$ = 3 cm, find the length of $$\overline{DE}$$.

228077. Name the Indian spoitsperson who won gold in the Girls Under-12 category at the World Cadets Chess Championship, in 2017.

228078. Who among the following is one of the founders of Banyan Nation, India's first firm to win Dell People's Choice Award for The Circular Economy' at the World Economic Forum (WEF) at Davos?

228079. ........... are analogous organs.

228080. Where is the Registan Desert located?

228081. The element present in the fourth period and in the second group is ...........

228082. Which of the options bears the closest resemblance to the following figure?

228083. Complete the following series by choosing the correct options 837659, 837658, .........., 837653, 837649, ..........

228084. A sports accessories shop organises a running event for kids with an entry fee of ₹ 200 to be registered on the spot. 6 They were expecting 300 entries, and on the event's day, only 200 turned up. How much less money did they receive in the entry compared with their initial expectation of 300 entries?

228085. The value of $$\frac{3}{15} + \frac{3}{14} - \frac{19}{21} + \frac{31}{35} - \frac{23}{30}$$ is:

228086. Which country has become the vice-chair (regional head) of the Asia Pacific region of the World Customs Organisation (WCO)?

228087. Each consecutive member of the family of hydrocarbons differs from the previous member by the ......... group.

228088. From a tower 18 m high the angle of elevation of the top of a tall building is 45° and the angle of depression of the bottom of the same building is 60°. What is the height of the building in metres?

228089. Find the odd one out.

228090. If the cost price of 15 oranges is equal to the selling price of 20 oranges, the loss percent is:

228091. A plant that does NOT grow through vegetative propagation is ............

228092. .......... on mixing with water changes to gypsum.

228093. Qamar gained 21% on the resale of a used stereo. If he purchased the item for ₹ 1,500, how much did he sell it for?

228094. Methyl alcohol and Ethyl alcohol differ in molecular mass by ........ units.

228095. In a certain code, if KITE is written as 108194, then how will TEAR be written as?

228096. A statement is followed by two arguments. Decide which of the arguments is/are strong with respect to the statement. Statement: Should gymnastics be made compulsory in schools? Arguments: I. Yes, it would help in overall development of a child. II. No, it is unnecessary waste of time and energy. Children should be sent to extra coaching classes.

228097. $$2 - [3 - \left\{6 - (5 - 4 - 3 + 10)\right\}]$$ = ?

228098. Fill in the blank with the correct option. A body is thrown vertically upwards. During its rise the Potential Energy .......... and Kinetic energy ..............

228099. The area of a rhombus is 216 $$cm^2$$ and the length of one of its diagonals is 24 cm. How long is each side of the rhombus?

228100. 3 boys and 3 girls can complete a task in $$\frac{6}{5}$$ hours. How many hours will I boy and girl require to complete the task?

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