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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 1499

74951. Two sinusoidal signals of equal amplitude and frequency are applied to X and Y plate of CRO respectively. The observed Lissajous pattern is a straight line. The phase shift between signals is

74952. The scale of a dynamometer is linear when used as

74953. Three phase four wire induction energy meter is used to measure

74954. A 10 ohm resistor is connected across a 20v battery.Power consumed is:

74955. An induction wattmeter can be used for ac only.

74956. To measure a resistance of about 8 ohms we should use

74957. For measuring temperatures below 800°C with high accuracy, the best instrument is

74958. Panel instruments are generally mounted vertically.

74959. Assertion (A): Many instruments use eddy current damping.Reason (R): Eddy currents set up a magnetic flux which opposes the original movement which generates them.

74960. The torque in induction wattmeters due to

74961. During testing of an energy meter, the energy recorded by meter was 0.05 kWh and correct energy was found to be 0.09 kWh. The error and correction respectively are

74962. Two resistances are : R1 = 36 Ω ± 1.89 Ω and R2 = 75 Ω ± 3.75 Ω. The sum R1 + R2 along with limiting error is

74963. An instrument of accuracy class 1 can have an error equal to

74964. In bridge circuit of figure, equivalent resistance between A and B is

74965. Assertion (A): The scale a PMMC ammeter is linear.Reason (R): The deflecting torque of PMMC is proportional to current in the coil.

74966. Assertion (A): Moving iron instrument can be used on ac or dc.Reason (R): In a moving iron instrument deflecting torque is proportional to square of current.

74967. A land line telemetry system is suitable for distance upto

74968. Use of high permeability core in moving iron instrument helps in

74969. The resistance of series field winding is a low resistance.

74970. Assertion (A): Double Kelvin's bridge is used to measure low resistances.Reason (R): In low resistance, the contact and lead resistances are very important.

74971. Shaft encoder is used to measure

74972. Assertion (A): Hay's bridge in particularly suitable for measuring inductance having a comparatively low resistance.Reason (R): In Hay's bridge the value of frequency supply must be known.

74973. The device having highest photo sensitivity is

74974. Which of the following closely represents the resistance-temperature characteristics of thermistor?

74975. For use at 50 Hz the range of scale of vibrating reed frequency meter is

74976. Consider the following statements about a moving iron instrument It is an unpolarised instrument.It has permanent magnet.It has a fixed coil.It has two iron vanes. Of these statements

74977. The two pressure coils in a single phase power factor meter of turns

74978. Piezoelectric effect can be used to measure

74979. A current of 3.18 A is flowing through resistance of 35.68 Ω. The voltage drop across resistance to the appropriate number of significant figures is

74980. A current of 3.25 A is flowing through a resistance of 34.98 Ω. The voltage drop across resistance to the appropriate number of significant figures is

74981. The braking torque in single phase energy meter is proportional to speed of disc.

74982. To measure a resistance by a dc potentiometer

74983. In dc tacho generators used for measurement of speed of shaft, frequent calibration is necessary because

74984. A multimeter can be used as ohmmeter.

74985. A voltage of about 200 V dc can be measured

74986. In a low power factor wattmeter, compensation for pressure coil current is provided.

74987. De Sauty bridge is very widely used due to

74988. A Weston synchronoscope is a

74989. In a dynamometer 3 phase power factor meter, the planes of the two moving coils are at

74990. A generated voltage is equally dependent on three resistances R1, R2, R3 and its value is V = (R1R2)/R3. If tolerance of each resistor is 0.1%, the maximum error in voltage is

74991. Assertion (A): A thermocouple transducer is based on Seeback effect.Reason (R): In a thermocouple transducer used for temperature measurement, the cold junction is usually kept in ice bath.

74992. In an Anderson bridge the unknown inductance is measured in terms of

74993. In a Ballistic galvanometer

74994. Which instrument needs creep compensation?

74995. When deflecting torque and braking torque in an energy meter are zero,

74996. The sensitivity of a voltmeter using 0-5 mA meter movement is

74997. Two meters X and Y require 40 mA and 50 mA for full scale deflection. Then

74998. A dual trace CRO has

74999. For measuring mutual inductance we can use

75000. The Y plates of a CRO are excited by a voltage 2 sin 100 t and the X plates are not connected. The display would be

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