1. For an ideal liquid solution, which of the following is unity ?

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MCQ-> A passage is given with five questions following it. Read the passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the given four alternatives. Culture is defined as a people’s way of life. It entails how they dress, how they speak, the type of food they eat, the manner in which they worship, and their art among many other things. Indian culture, therefore, is the Indian’s way of life. Because of the population diversity, there is immense variety in Indian culture. The Indian culture is a blend of various cultures in the world. India had an urban civilization even during the Bronze age. The Indus Valley Civilization (Harappan Civilization) dates back to 3300 BC - 1300 BC. Distinct cultures different from each other co-exist together in a single country. Thus, in India, there is unity amidst vast cultural diversity. The way people live in India is reflected in its culture. Unity in Diversity: India is a land of unity in diversity where people of different sects, caste and religion live together. India is also called the land of unity in diversity as different groups of people co-operate with each other to live in a single society. Unity in diversity has alo become the strength of India. Secularism: The word secularism means equality, impartiality, etc, towards all religion. India is a secular country, which means, equal treatment of all the religions present in India. Traditions: traditional cultural values 1) Touching feet of elders: Indian tradition has rich cultural values. In India, younger show great respect to their elders. They touch the feet of their elders daily after waking up and especially on the festive occasionally on the festive occasions or before starting an important work. 2) Namaste: The gesture of the Namaste greeting is also part of the Indian culture. People greet each other by saying “Namaste” while joining their hands. “Namaste means “Hello”. (Also read. The meaning of Namaste here.) 3) Most Indians have a habit of shaking their heads while talking.If I am a cultural, well-behaved Indian, what won’t do ?
MCQ-> Read the given passage carefully and select the best answer to each question out of the four given alternatives.Culture is defined as a people’s way of life. It entails how they dress, how they speak, the type of food they eat, the manner in which they worship, and their art among many other things. Indian culture, therefore, is the Indians’ way of life. Because of the population diversity, there is immense variety in Indian culture. The Indian culture is a blend of various cultures belonging to diverse religions, castes; regions follow their own tradition and culture. Indian Culture is one of the oldest cultures in the world. India had an urban civilization even during the Bronze age. The Indus Valley Civilization (Harappan Civilization) dates back to 3300 BC - 1300 BC. Distinct cultures different from each other co-exist together in a single country. Thus, in India, there is unity amidst vast cultural diversity. The way people live in India is reflected in its culture. India is a land of unity in diversity where people of different sects, caste and religion live together. India is also called the land of unity in diversity as different groups of people co-operate with each other to live in a single society. Unity in diversity has also become the strength of India.Why there is a unity amidst cultural diversity in India?
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