1. Everyone was happy, ————?

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MCQ-> Read the following passage carefully and answer the given questions. Certain words are given in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions. King Harish loved his people and look after the affairs of the kingdom well. One day he and his minister Chandan took a stroll through the market. People were buying and selling and there were no beggars to be seen anywhere. The King was delighted to see the prosperity of his kingdom. He turned to Chandan and said, ‘I want to check firsthand how content my people are. Summon people from all walks of life to court.” The next day, ‘the king arrived at court and said, As your king I want to know if all of you are happy. Do you have enough for your needs?” The citizens looked at each other, thought and one by one came forward to say that their kitchens have enough food, their trade was going well, their wells were overflowing and the king had kept them safe. The king was pleased at this but Chandan had a frown and he whispered something to the king. The king was astonished but seeing Chandan was serious he turned to the court and made an announcement, “I am delighted you are all happy. Tomorrow I want all the happy people to gather at the gate of the royal garden. You have to enter the garden from the main gate, walk across and meet me by the gate at the rear of the garden. Each of you will be given a sack and you can pick whatever your heart desires.” The crowd was excited as no one was usually allowed access to the king’s garden which was said to be filled with all kinds of beautiful and strange plants.The next day, everyone gathered at the gate of the palace garden well before time. At the appointed time the guards opened the gates and handed out sacks. Citizens began roaming around the garden and filled their sacks with the juicy apples, pomegranates, grapes and mangoes hanging from trees. But as they walked further into the garden they saw trees laden with gold and silver fruits. They began madly filling their sacks with these precious fruits. Everyone forgot that they had enough for their needs at home and the fruits they had picked earlier were thrown on the ground forgotten and left to rot. Then with their sacks filled to the top the citizens made their way to the rear gate but they found a rushing stream blocking their path. The current was strong and as there were no boats, the only way to cross was to swim across. But how could they swim with laden sacks. All stood by the stream except one young man who simply abandoned his sack and swam across. Angry and unhappy the others refused to cross. The king was sad and said, “Yesterday all of you said you were happy but today you are distressed. ”Turning to the young man who was smiling he asked, ‘Tell me why are you not sad?” “Sire, I picked some tasty fruits for my precious daughter but when I saw no other way across, I did not think twice about leaving these behind. I am happy you let us wander around in your garden.”Choose the word which is most nearly the opposite in meaning to the word SERIOUS given in bold as used in the passage.
MCQ-> Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it. Certain words are printed in bold to help you to locate them while answering some of the questions.Long ago, the country of Gandhara was ruled by a just and good king Vidyadhara. His subjects were very happy, but as the king grew older, everyone grew more and more worried because the king did not have any children who could take over the kingdom after him. The king was an avid gardener. He spent a lot of time tending to his garden. planting the finest flowers. fruit trees and vegetables. One day. after he finished working in his garden, he proclaimed, ‘I will distribute some seeds to all the children in the kingdom. The one who grows the biggest, healthiest plant within three months will become the price or the princess'. The next day there was a long queue of anxious parents and children outside the palace. Everyone was eager to get a seed arid grow the best plant. Pingala, a poor farmer’s son. was among the children. Like the king, he too was fond of gardening and grew beautiful plants in his backyard. He took the seed from the king and planted it in a pot with great care. Some weeks passed and he plied it with water and manure. but the plant did not appear. Pingala tried changing the soil and transferred the seed to another pot, but even by the end of three months nothing appeared. At last the day came when all the children had to go to the king to show the plant they had grown. They went walking to the palace dressed in their best, holding beautiful plants in their hands. Only Pingala stood sadly, watching them go by. Pingala’s father had watched his son working hard with the seed and lelt sorry for him. ‘Why don’t you go to the king with your empty pot ?’ he suggested. At least he will know you tried your best So Pingala too wore his best suit and joined the others outside the palace, holding his empty pot in his hand and ignoring the laughter around him. Soon the king arrived and began his inspection, The pots held flowers of different shades, beautiful and healthy. but the king did not look happy. At the end of the queue stood Pingala, and when the king reached him, he stopped in surprise. ‘My son, why have you come with an empty pot ? Could you not grow anything? Pingala looked down and said, ‘Forgive me, your highness. I tried my best, I gave it the best soil and manure I had, but the plant would not grow.’ Now the king’s face broke into a smile. He enveloped Pingala in his arms and announced, 'This boy truly deserves to be crowned the prince! I had given everyone roasted seeds, which would never grow. I wanted to see which child was the most honest one, and would admit he or she would not be able to grow anything. Only this young boy told the truth. I am sure he will rule this kingdom one day with truth and honesty'. And indeed that was what happened. When the king grew old and died. Pingala, who had learnt everything from him, came to the throne and ruled Gandhara justly for many years.Why did the king distribute seeds to all the children in his kingdom ?
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