1. The average weight of X, Y and Z is 35 kg. If the average weight of X and Y is 33 kg and that of Y and Z is 29 kg, then what is the weight (in kg) of Y?

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  • By: anil on 05 May 2019 02.05 am
    Let weight of X, Y and Z be $$x,y,z$$ kg respectively. Average weight of X, Y and Z = $$frac{(x+y+z)}{3}=35$$ => $$x+y+z=35 imes3=105$$ ------------(i) Also, average weight of X and Y = $$frac{(x+y)}{2}=33$$ => $$x+y=66$$  ------------(ii) Similarly, $$y+z=58$$ -----------(iii) Adding equations (ii) and (iii), => $$x+2y+z=124$$ ----------(iv) Subtracting equation (i) from (iv), we get : => $$y=124-105=19$$ $$ herefore$$ Weight of Y = 19 kg => Ans - (B)
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