1. If a sinθ + b cosθ = c then the value of a cos θ - b sin θ is :

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  • By: anil on 05 May 2019 01.57 am
    a sinθ + b cosθ = c on squaring both sides , we get $$a^2 sin^2 heta$$ + $$b^2 cos^2 heta$$ + 2 a b $$sin heta cos heta$$ = $$c^2$$ $$a^2 sin^2 heta$$ + $$b^2 cos^2 heta$$ = $$c^2$$ - 2 a b $$sin heta cos heta$$...............(1)
    We need to find value of : a sinθ - b cosθ.....(2) So, on squaring both sides of equation 2,we get $$( a sinθ - b cosθ)^$$ = $$a^2 sin^2 heta$$ + $$b^2 cos^2 heta$$ - 2 a b $$sin heta cos heta$$......(3)
    Using equation 1 and 3, we can say 2 a b $$sin heta cos heta$$ = $$c^2$$ -

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