*The study of universe is known as 
Ans : Cosmology
*The universe comprises of billions of 
Ans : Galaxies
*The galaxies are made up of millions of 
Ans : Stars
*Father of modern Astronomy 
Ans : Copernicus
*The astronomer known as the Law Giver of Heavens 
Ans : Kepler
*Light year and parsec are the units of measuring distances in the
Ans : Universe
*The distance travelled by light in one year is called
Ans : One light year
*One light year = 9.46 x 1012 kilometers 
*An astronomical unit of distance 
Ans : Parsec
*One parsec = 3.26 light year
*Scientist who found universe is expanding, in 1929
Ans : Sir Edwin Hubble
*Geocentric theory was propounded (the Earth was the centre of universe) by
Ans : Ptolemy
*Heliocentric theory was propounded (the Sun is the centre of the universe) by
Ans : Copernicus
*Laws of Planetary motion was discovered by
Ans : Kepler
*Study of celestial bodies and universe 
Ans : Astronomy 
*Study of the structure of the universe 
Ans : Cosmology
*Study of the origin of universe 
Ans : Cosmogony
*Study of life in outer space 
Ans : Exobiology 
*Study of moon
Ans : Selenology 
*Study of Space Craft 
Ans : Astronautics 
*Study of Sun
Ans : Heliology
*International Astronomical year was observed by UNO in
Ans : 2009
 *Father of Indian astronomy
Ans : Aryabhattan 
*Father of Scientific astronomy
Ans : Kepler
*Father of modern Indian astronomy 
Ans : M.K.Vainu Bappu  
*Farther of Indian Space Programme 
Ans : Vikram Sarabhai


*There are three main theories put forward to explain origin and evolution of universe.


*Most widely accepted theory regarding the origin of universe
Ans : Big Bang Theory
*Big Bang Theory was proposed by
Ans : George Lemaitre
*Big Bang Theory was modified by
Ans : Edwin Hubble
*The term big bang was coined by
Ans : Fred Hoyle
*Big bang theory is also called as
Ans : Expanding Universe Hypothesis


*Steady State Theory was proposed by
Ans : Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold and Fred Hoyle
*Steady State Theory was proposed in
Ans : 1948
*Quasi Steady State Theory was proposed by
Ans : Jayant Narlikar


The Pulsating Theory was proposed by
Ans : Dr. Allan Sandage
*The theory which proposed that at present universe is expanding
Ans : Pulsating Theory


*A galaxy is a vast collection of billions of stars, dust, gas and empty space held together by
Ans : Gravitational force
*The word galaxy was first introduced by
Ans : William Herschel
*First person to calculate distance between galaxies
Ans : Sir Edwin Hubble
*There are about 5Q billion galaxies exist in the universe
*Group of galaxies is known as
Ans : Cluster
*The most distant object visible to naked eye in the universe
Ans : Andromeda Galaxy
*Our sun and its planets belongs to the
Ans : Milky Way Galaxy or Akash Ganga
*First astronomer to demonstrate the existence of galaxies beyond milky way
Ans : Edwin Hubble (1924)


1.Spiral Galaxies
2.Elliptical Galaxies
3.Irregular Galaxies
*The galaxy having central nucleus with great spiral arms
Ans : Spiral Galaxy
*Milky way and Andromeda are the examples of
Ans : Spiral Galaxies 
*New stars are formed in Spiral Galaxies Largest spiral galaxy
Ans : Andromeda Galaxy
*The farthest object which can be seen with naked eyes
Ans : Andromeda Galaxy
*The milky way belongs to a cluster of galaxies called
Ans : Local group
*The galaxies having no spiral arms are called
Ans : Elliptical,Galaxies
*Red Giants and white dwarfs are seen in the
Ans : Elliptical Galaxies 
*Dim collection of old stars are seen in the 
Ans : Elliptical Galaxies 
*Galaxies having no regular shape 
Ans : Irregular Galaxies 
*Large Magellanic cloud is an 
Ans : Irregular Galaxy


*Means, Hermes
Ans : Eratosthenes  
*Almagest, The Geography 
Ans : Ptolemy
*On the Revolution of Celestial Bodies 
Ans : Copernicus
*Harmonies of the World
Ans : Kepler
*Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica
Ans : Newton
*Aryabhatiyam, Suryasidhanthika 
Ans : Aryabhatta


*The stars which lies immediately above the earth's North pole and around which all other stars seems to revolve is called 
Ans : Pole Star
*The temperature of a star's surface is indicated by
Ans : The colour of the star 
*Blue colour of a star denotes
Ans : Maximum temperature 
*Brightest star outside solar system 
Ans : Sirius
*Star known as Dog star 
Ans : Sirius
*Star nearest to the earth 
Ans : Sun
*The Closest star in our solar system, after sun
Ans : Proxima Centauri
*Followed by Alpha Centauri and Barnard's Star
*Indian Physicist who predicted an upper limit to the mass of stars 
Ans : Chandrasekhar
*The prediction of Chandrashekhar is called 
Ans : Chandrasekhar Limit 
*Chandrasekhar Limit is equal to
Ans : 1.44 times the mass of sun 
*A region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape
Ans : Black Hole
*A cloud of gas and dust in outer space, visible in the night sky is called 
Ans : Nebulae


*An airborne observatory of NASA to study about the formation of stars
Ans : Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy
*Biggest airborne observatory in the world
*The operation centre of SOFIA is situated in
Ans : Northern California
*SOFIA is operated by
Ans : NASA and German Space Agency (DLR)


*Stars are born in 
Ans : Nebulae
*The third stage of evolution of a star is
Ans : Red Giant
*A very large star of high luminosity and low surface temperature is called
Ans : Red Giant
*In the fourth stage, the star collapses and explodes and it will become
Ans : White Dwarf
*The explosion of a white dwarf is called 
Ans : Supernova
*The largest explosion that takes place in space
Ans : Supernova
*A celestial object intermediate in size between a giant planet and a small star, believed to emit mainly infrared radiation. It is called
Ans : Brown Dwarf
*The smallest and densest stars known to exist in the Universe
Ans : Neutron Stars


*The stars which appear in the form of closed group and form recognizable shapes are known as
Ans : Constellations 
*The biggest constellation 
Ans : Hydra
*The smallest constellation 
Ans : Crux
*The organisation which gives name to the constellations
Ans : International Astronomical Union (IAU)
*If the size of a star increases, its life period
Ans : Decrease
*Star which is a highly magnetized, rotating neutron that emits a beam of electromagnetic radiation 
Ans : Pulsar


*The group of sun, 8 planets, their moon and other non stellar objects is called
Ans : Solar System
*Solar system was identified for the first time by
Ans : Copernicus
*The centre of solar system 
Ans : Sun
*All planets revolve around the sun in 
Ans : Elliptical orbit
*Distances in solar system are expressed in
Ans : Astronomical Unit
*The mean distance between Earth and Sun is called
Ans : Astronomical Unit 
*One Astronomical unit is equal to 
Ans : 15 crore Km
*Our solar system is in the outskirts of the 
Ans : Milky way galaxy
*The theory related with the evolution of Solar System
Ans : Nebular theory
*The Nebular theory was proposed by (in 1796)
Ans : Pierre - De Laplace
*The solar system moves with an average speed of
Ans : 250km/second
*The solar system takes 250 million years to complete one revolution around the
Ans : Galactic centre
*The period taken by the solar system to complete one revolution around the Galactic centre is known as
Ans : Galactic year or Cosmic year
*First man made space craft which passed beyond the solar system
Ans : Voyager I
*First space probe to study about the outer solar system
Ans : Voyager I
*Voyager I was launched by
Ans : NASA
*Voyager I was launched on
Ans : September 5,1977
*The farthest space craft from the sun
Ans : Voyager 1
*Farthest man made object
Ans : Voyager I


*The sun is a star
*The nearest star to the star
Ans : Sun
*The major source of energy of the solar system
Ans : Sun
*The energy in the solar system is provided by nuclear fusion, that converts
Ans : Hydrogen into helium
*The sun is mainly composed of
Ans : Hydrogen
*The minor spiral arm of the Milky Way where sun is located is called
Ans : Orion Arm
*The sun is a medium sized yellow star that is about
Ans : 15 crore km (1 Astronomical Unit) away from the Earth
*When the Earth gets closest to the sun is called
Ans : Perihelion
*Perihelion day
Ans : Around January 3
*When the Earth gets farthest from the sun is called 
Ans : Aphelion  
*Aphelion day
Ans : Around July 4
*Sun is made up of about
Ans : 2x10^30 kg of gas
*The amount of Hydrogen in the sun
Ans : 71%
*The amount of Helium in the sun
Ans : 26.5%
*The amount of other gases
Ans : 2.5%
*The temperature of sun's core is about 
Ans : 1.25crore°C
*Surface temperature of sun is about 
Ans : 5500°C
*The heat and light from the sun come to earth by the means of 
Ans : Radiation
*The time taken by sunlight to reach the earth
Ans : 8 minutes 20 seconds (500sec) 
*The age of sun
Ans : 460 crore years
*The surface of the sun we see from earth is called
Ans : Photosphere (Temperature about 5500°C)
*Photosphere emits light at 
Ans : Visible wavelength
*Chromosphere is a small region lies above the
Ans : Photosphere
*Chromosphere appears red because of the existence of
Ans : Hydrogen atoms 
*Chromosphere is visible during 
Ans : Solar eclipses
*The outermost layer of the Sun 
Ans : Corona
*The corona cannot be seen with the naked eye except during a
Ans : Total solar eclipse 
*Comparative cool regions of sun is called 
Ans : Sun spots
*Sun spot was observed through telescope for the first time by
Ans : Galileo
*The continuous flow of charged particles from the sun which permeates the solar system is called
Ans : Solar wind
*Solar wind occurs once in 
Ans : 11 years
*A sudden flash of brightness observed near the sun's surface
Ans : Solar flare
*ISRO's solar mission to study about sun's corona
Ans : Adithya


*Escape velocity of sun - 61&5km/s
*Escape velocity of earth - 11.2 km/s
*Escape velocity of moon - 2.4 km/s
*Escape velocity of Jupiter- 59.5 km/s


*The solid heavenly bodies which revolve round the sun in closed elliptical path 
Ans : Planets
*Number of planets in the solar system 
Ans : 8
*When a Planet comes between the Sun and the Earth. It is called
Ans : Transit








*Inner planets are otherwise called as 
Ans :Terrestrial or Rock Planets 
*Inner Planets are nearer to the
Ans : Sun  
*Inner Planets have very few natural satellites or no satellites 
*Inner Planets have higher
Ans : Densities  
*The largest of inner planet
Ans : Earth


*Outer planets are called
Ans : Jovian planet or gaseous planets 
*Outer planets have large number of satellites
*The planets having ring system 
Ans : Outer Planet
*Smallest Planet-Mercury
*Nearest planet to the sun - Mercury
*Planet with lowest escape - velocity 
*Mercury - Mercury 
*Speedy Messenger - Mercury
*Planet with least gravitational Pull - Venus
*Brightest planet - Venus
*Hottest planet - Venus
*Pet of sun - Venus
*Morning star -Venus
*Evening star- Venus
*Nearest planet to earth - Venus
*Slowest Rotating planet - Venus
*Earth's Twin - Venus
*Planet with longest day - Venus
*Blue planet-Earth
*Planet with highest density - Earth
*Red Planet - Mars
*Biggest planet - Jupiter
*Planet with strongest gravitational pull -Jupiter
*Planet with maximum number of satellites -Jupiter
*Fastest rotating planet- Jupiter 
*Planet with shortest day- Jupiter
*Planet with highest escape velocity 
*Planet with highest weight - Jupiter 
*Golden Giant - Jupiter
*Planet with lowest density - Saturn
*Planet with lowest weight - Saturn
*Green planet - Saturn
*Rolling planet - Uranus
*Lying planet - Uranus
*Father Sky - Uranus
*Coldest planet - Neptune
*Farthest planet - Neptune
*Windy planet - Neptune
*Planet with slowest revolution - Neptune
*Biggest satellite
Ans : Ganymede (Jupiter's satellite)
*Only satellite with an atmosphere like earth
Ans : Titan (Saturn's satellite)


*A celestial body resembling a small planet but lacking certain technical criteria that are required for it to be classed as planets 
Ans : Dwarf Planets
*Number of dwarf planets known in the Solar System 
Ans : 5
*Five Dwarf Planets are
Ans : Pluto, Ceres, Eris, Makemake and Haumea 
*Pluto and Eris are known as 


*The largest Dwarf Planet
Ans : Eris
*The Greek Goddess of strife and discord 
Ans : Eris
*Eris was discovered by 
Ans : Mike Brown (2005)
*Eris was initially named 
Ans : 2003 UB 313
*The discovery of Eris caused the demotion of Pluto, as it is larger than Pluto
*Eris was also called
Ans : Xena
*Eris has a small satellite named
Ans : Dysnomla


*Pluto is named after God of underworld in anicent
Ans : Roman mythology
*Pluto was discovered by
Ans : Clyde Tombaugh (1930)
*The ninth Planet in the Solar system was
Ans : Pluto
*International Astronomical Union classified Pluto as a dwarf planet on
Ans:August 24, 2006, at Prague
*The second largest dwarf planet
Ans : Pluto
*Five satellites of Pluto are
Ans : Charon, Nix, Hydra, Styx and Kerberos
*Largest satellite of Pluto is
Ans : Charon
*Charon was discovered by
Ans : James Christy (1978)
*Pluto's orbit lies nearer to the planet
Ans : Neptune
*Time taken by Pluto to revolve around the sun
Ans : 248 years
*Rotation period of Pluto
Ans : 6.4 days
*A spacecraft to Pluto named 'New horizon' was launched in
Ans : 2006
*New horizon' was launched by
Ans : NASA
*The source of energy used by New Horizon
Ans : Plutonium


*Ceres was the largest asteroid in our Solar System
*Ceres was promoted as a dwarf planet in
Ans : 2006 by IAU
*The smallest dwarf planet
Ans : Ceres
*Solar eclipse is held on a
Ans : New moon day
*In solar eclipse,moon comes between
Ans : Earth & Sun (EMS)
*First person to predict the solar eclipse
Ans : Thales
*Lunar eclipse is held on a 
Ans : Full moon day
*In Lunar eclipse earth comes between 
Moon & Sun (MES)
*The Roman Goddess of the harvest and motherly love
Ans : Ceres
*The only dwarf planet in the inner solar system
*Time taken by Ceres to revolve around the sun
Ans : 46 years
*Ceres was discovered by
Ans : Giuseppe Piazzi in 1801 
*Spacecraft launched by NASA to Ceres 
Ans : Dawn (2007)


*A celestial body moving about the sun, usually in a highly eccentric orbit
Ans : Comet
*Comets are also called
Ans : Dirty snowballs or mud balls 
*The biggest comet
Ans : Centuary 2060 Chiron
*Comet Shoemaker - Levy 9 was discovered by
Ans : Eugene and Carolyn Shoemaker and David Levy in 1993
*The comet which hit the planet Jupiter in 1994
Ans : Comet Shoemaker - Levy 9
*The huge comet heading on a collision course with earth on August 17, 2116
Ans : Swift-Tuttle
*First space Shuttle to visit a Comet (comet Tempel 1) is
Ans : Deep Impact (America)


*First people to observe Halley's Comet
Ans : Chinese
*The orbital period of Halley's Comet was calculated by
Ans : Edmond Halley
*Halley's Comet is seen once in every 
Ans : 76 years
*Halley's Comet was last seen in 
Ans : 1986
*Halley's Comet will next appear in 
Ans : 2062
*'A synopsis of the Astronomy of Comets' was published in 1705 by
Ans : Edmond Halley


*Asteroids are planet like irregular objects mostly seen between the orbits of
Ans : Mars and Jupiter
*Asteroids are also known as
Ans : Planetoids or minor planets
*The name 'Asteroid' was first used by
Ans : William Herschel 
*First discovered asteroid 
Ans : Ceres (1801)
*The largest asteroid in the solar system 
Ans : 4 Vesta
*First space shuttle reached on Asteroid 
Ans : NEAR Shoemaker (Feb 12, 2001)
*Asteroid expected to collide on earth in 2022
Ans : 19BF 19
*Japan's space shuttle ' Hayasabha 1' reached Asteroid
Ans : Itokawa (2005)
*'Hayabusa2' is an Asteroid project launched by
Ans : Japan in 2014
*Project aimed to study about the asteroids CERES and VESTA
Ans : DON


*A bright streak of light in the sky
Ans : Meteor
*A meteor is other wise known as
Ans : Shooting star or falling star
*Small rocky or metallic body in outer space which are significantly smaller than asteroids
Ans : Meteoroids
*Bright meteors are called
Ans : Fireballs
*The phenomenon in which many meteors fall through the atmosphere in a relatively short time
Ans : A meteor shower
*Largest Meteor entered the earth
Ans : Heba west (in 1920 Namibia)
*Meteor entered the earth in 1999
Ans : Leonid Shower



*Period of Revolution-  88 days  
*Period of Rotation - 58 days
*Escape Velocity - 4.3 km/sec
*Diameter - 4880km
*According to Greek myth, the God of commerce and Travel is 
Ans : Mercury
*The Planet known as Roman God of Messenger
Ans : Mercury
*The smallest planet 
Ans : Mercury
*Planet which has least escape velocity in the solar system
Ans : Mercury
*Planet nearest to the sun
Ans : Mercury
*The planet which is known as Will -O- the -Wisp
Ans : Mercury
*Mercury has no atmosphere due to
Ans : Low escape velocity and high temperature
*Fastest revolving planet (88 days)
Ans : Mercury
*Second hottest planet in the solar system
Ans : Mercury
*The distance between Sun and Mercury
Ans : 6 crore km
*Mercury has no known satellites
*The planet that has the shortest year
Ans : Mercury
*Planet which has a silicated coating layer
Ans : Mercury
*Mercury has no storm due to the lack of atmosphere
*In Mercury, the day is highly hottest and the night is
Ans : Highly coldest
*Mercury has been visited by two spacecrafts
1.Mariner 10 (1973 USA)
2.Messenger (2004 NASA)


*Period of Revolution - 224.7days
*Period of Rotation - 243 days
*Escapes Velocity - 1036km/s
*Diameter - 12,104 km
*Planet named after Roman Goddess of love beauty and spring 
Ans : Venus
*The only planet to take more time for rotation than revolution 
Ans : Venus
*The planet which experiences the 'longest day' among planets
Ans : Venus
*The only planet which rotates from east to west
Ans : Venus
*The planet in which the sun appears to rise in the west and set in the east
Ans : Venus
*The planet which is known as 'pet of the sun'
Ans : Venus 
*The Planet's orbit which is the most nearly circular of that of any planet 
Ans : Venus
*The planet which is the second brightest object in the night sky after moon 
Ans : Venus
*The planet which is called as the Morningstar and the Evening star Venus
*First person to identify that the morning star and the evening star was the same object
Ans : Pythagoras
*The planet which is known as the Twin earth
Ans : Venus
*The Nearest planet to see without telescope
Ans : Venus
*The nearest planet to the earth
Ans : Venus
*The atmosphere of the planet which contains traces of sulphuric acid (H2S04)
Ans : Venus
*The hottest planet in the solar system
Ans : Venus 
*The planet sometimes known as Lucifer
Ans : Venus
*The most mysterious planet
Ans : Venus
*The largest and high plateau found in Venus is known as
Ans : Lakshmi Planum
*The highest mountain in Venus
Ans : Maxwell montes (In memory of James Clark Maxwell)
*First space craft landed on Venus
Ans : Venera - 7 (Soviet Union)
*First space craft sent to Venus in 1962
Ans : Mariner -2 (NASA)
*First US orbiter to map the surface of Venus by using Radar
Ans : Magellan


*Distance from the sun : 150 million km
*Period of Revolution : 365 days hrs 48 min 45 sec
*Period of Rotation : 23 hrs 56 min 4 sec
*Escape Velocity : 11.2 km/sec
*Diameter : 12,756 km
*Polar diameter : 12713 km
*Age : 4.6 billion years old
*Third planet from Sun 
Ans : Earth
*Fifth largest planet in the solar system
Ans : Earth
*Largest Inner planet
Ans : Earth
*The only planet in the solar system where life can exist
Ans : Earth
*The densest among the planets
Ans : Earth
*The planet known as 'Blue planet'
Ans : Earth
*The only planet whose English Name is not derived from Greek/Roman mythology
Ans : Earth
*Element having the name of Earth
Ans : Tellurium
*Average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere
Ans : 14°C
*The only planet on which water can exist in liquid form on the surface
Ans : Earth
*Earth's atmosphere consists of
Ans : 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 0.93% of Argon and 0.038% carbon dioxide
*The only one natural satellite of Earth
Ans : Moon
*Nearest star to the Earth
Ans : Sun
*The closest cosmic neighbour of earth 
Ans : Moon
*The shape of earth is known as 
Ans : Oblate Spheroid (Geoide)
*Earth day is observed on 
Ans : April 22
*The hottest place recorded on earth 
Ans : El Azizia (57.7°C)
*The coldest place recorded on Earth -
Ans : Vostok station (Antartica "89°C)
*The planet which is known as Gaiyya in Greek
Ans : Earth

4. MARS 

*Period of Revolution : 687 days 
*Period of Rotation : 24 hrs, 37 minutes 22.63 sec
*Escape Velocity : 5.027 km/s
*The planet which is named after the Roman God of War
Ans : Mars
*The planet which is called as Red planet 
Ans : Mars
*Phobos and Deimos are the two satellites of 
Ans : Mar
*The red colour of Mars is due to the presence of
Ans : Iron oxides
*The planet known as fossil planet and Rusty planet
Ans : Mars
*The satellite known as Black moon
Ans : Phobos
*Smallest satellite in our solar system
Ans : Deimos
*Phobos and Deimos were discovered by
Ans : Asaph Hall (1877)
*Colombia Memorial station and Carl Sagan Memorial station are in
Ans : Mars
*The highest volcanic mountain in Mars
Ans : Olympus mons
*The biggest Canyon found in Mars
Ans : Valles Marineris
*The atmosphere of the planet which contains the huge amount of Carbon dioxide
Ans : Mars
*First space craft to visit Mars
Ans : Mariner 4 (1965)
*First space craft to land on mars was
Ans : Viking - I (1975 NASA)
*NASA's Path Finder landed successfully on Mars in
Ans : 1997
*In January 2004, NASA's Mars exploration rovers named Spirit and Opportunity landed on
Ans : Mars
*The first robot to travel on the Mars surface
Ans : Sojourner


*India's first Mars mission
Ans : Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM)
*Mars Orbiter Mission is commonly known as
Ans : Mangalyaan
*India's first interplanetary mission
Ans : Mangalyaan
*Mangalyaan was launched on
Ans : November 5, 2013
*Mangalyaan was launched from
Ans : Sriharikota
*Mangalyaan reached at the orbit of Mars on
Ans : September 24, 2014
*The vehicle launched Mangalyaan into Mars orbit
Ans : PSLV C-25
*Director of Mangalyaan Mission
Ans : P.Kunhikrishnan
*Project Director of Mangalyaan
Ans : S.Arunan
*Programme Director of Mangalyaan
Ans : M.Annadurai
*ISRO Chairman at the time of the launching of Mangalyaan
Ans : K.Radhakrishnan
*Major instruments in Mangalyaan
Ans : Methane Sensor, LAP (Lyman Alpha Photometer)
*Total cost of Mangalyaan Mission
Ans : 450 crores
*First Asian country to launch a space craft to Mars
Ans : India (4th Nation in the world)
*Other countries to launch space crafts to Mars
Ans : Russia, USA, European Union
*First nation in the world to launch a Space Craft to Mars successfully in its first attempt
Ans : India


*MAVEN is Mars mission of 
Ans : NASA  
Ans : Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution Mission 
*MAVEN was launched on 
Ans : Nov 18, 2013
*MAVEN arrived at Mars orbit on 
Ans : September 22, 2014 
*Launch vehicle
Ans : Atlas V 401


*Curiosity was an exploration to 
Ans : Mars
*Curiosity was launched by 
Ans : NASA
*Curiosity was launched on 
Ans : November 26, 2011  
*Landing date of Curiosity 
Ans : August 6,2012
*The crater in which the Curiosity landed
Ans : Gale crater 
*Launch vehicle
Ans : Atlas V 541


*Period of Revolution : 12 years
*Period of Rotation : 9 hrs, 50 min, 30 sec
*Escape Velocity : 59.5km/sec
*Largest planet in the Solar System  
Ans : Jupiter
*In Indian mythology Jupiter is known as 
Ans : Brihaspathy 
*Fastest rotating planet 
Ans : Jupiter
*The planet experiences the shortest day and Night
Ans : Jupiter
*In Greek mythology, the Ruler of Gods and men
Ans : Jupiter
*Jupiter is known as 
Ans : Jovian planet 
*The fourth brightest object in the sky after the sun, the moon and the Venus 
Ans : Jupiter
*The planet known as fluid planet 
Ans : Jupiter
*The planet with highest gravitational force 
Ans : Jupiter
*The planet with the highest Escape Velocity
Ans : Jupiter
*On Jupiter objects experience more 
Ans : Weight
*Jupiter has the continuous presence of 
Ans : Radio Active Rays
*The planet with a great Red spot, big enough to hold two earths 
Ans : Jupiter
*The great Red spot in Jupiter was discovered by
Ans : Robert Hook (1664)
*Jupiter and its Satellites are called
Ans : Mini Solar System
*The planet with the most number of satellites
Ans : Jupiter
*Out of the 67 satellites of Jupiter, four satellites were discovered by
Ans : Galileo
*The four large satellites of Jupiter are known as
Ans : Galilean Satellites 
They are :
1.Ganymede : The largest satellite in the Solar System 
2.IO : Known to have numerous active volcanic mountains
3.Callisto :  The 3rd largest satellite 
4.Europa:Has the presence of a vast ocean covered Ice
*The inner most outer planet
Ans : Jupiter
*In 1994, Comet Shoemaker - Lavey 9 Collided with
Ans : Jupiter
*Space Craft sent by NASA to study Jupiter
Ans : Galileo (1989)
*Juno mission is launched by NASA to study
Ans : Jupiter




*Great Red Spot  - Jupiter
*Little Red Spot - Jupiter
*Great Dark Spot - Neptune
*Great White Spot - Saturn


*Period of Revolution : 30yrs
*Period of Rotation : 10 hrs 14 min
*Second largest planet in the Solar System 
Ans : Saturn
*The God of agriculture in Roman Mythology
Ans : Saturn
*Farthest planet to be seen with naked eyes 
Ans : Saturn
*The planet with least density 
Ans : Saturn
*The only planet having less density than water
Ans : Saturn
*The planet having second highest number of satellites
Ans : Saturn
*Planet having more attractive 7 rings around it
Ans : Saturn
*The Rings of Saturn were discovered by 
Ans : Galileo
*Planet known as Golden giant 
Ans : Saturn
*The only planet having black rain 
Ans : Saturn
*Super Wind and Dragon storm are found
Ans : Saturn
*Number of satellites to Saturn 
Ans : Around 62
*A joint project of NASA and European space Agency launched in 1997 to study the planet Saturn
Ans : Cassini - Huygens Mission
*Phoebe, Tethys and Mimas etc. are the satellites of
Ans : Saturn
*Largest Satellite of Saturn
Ans : Titan
*Titan was discovered by
Ans : Christiaan Huygens (1655)
*The only satellite in the solar system having atmosphere of its own
Ans : Titan
*Second largest satellite after Ganymede
Ans : Titan
*The satellite known as the past of the Earth
Ans : Titan
*The satellite of Saturn known as Death star
Ans : Mimas


*Period of Revolution : 84 Years
*Period of Revolution : 17 hrs 12 min
*Third largest planet in the Solar system 
Ans : Uranus
*Uranus was discovered by
Ans : William Herschel (1781)
*First planet which was discovered with the help of Telescope
Ans : Uranus
*The planet knows as Rolling or Lying planet
Ans : Uranus 
*The planet appears as a Green planet
Ans : Uranus
*Shakespesrian character names are given to the satellites of 
Ans : Uranus
*Uranus has 27 known satellites
*Largest satellite of Uranus
Ans : Titania


*Uranus is seen in green blue colour due to the presence of 
Ans : Methane
*Sky God of Greek mythology 
Ans : Uranus
*Second least density planet after Saturn 
Ans : Uranus



*Period of Revolution : 165 years
*Period of  Rotation : 16 hrs,6 mins
*8th and the farthest planet in the solar system
Ans : Neptune
*Fourth largest planet 
Ans : Neptune
*In Roman mythology, the God of the Sea 
*Neptune was discovered by
Ans : Johann Galle (German) in 1846 
*The atmosphere of Neptune is visible in 
Ans : Blue colour
*Liberty, equality, and Fraternity are the rings of
Ans : Neptune
*High storm area in Neptune is known as 
Ans : Wizard eye  Neptune
*Atmosphere of Neptune contains poisonous gases like
Ans : Methane, ammonia etc. 
*Largest satellite of Neptune 
Ans : Triton
*Neptune has been visited by only one space craft
Ans : Voyager -2 in 1989
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