Biology 2


*Healthy man has
Ans : 5-6 litre blood volume
*The study of blood is known as 
Ans : Haematology
*The pigment that gives red colour to the blood.
Ans : Haemoglobin
*The normal concentration of haemoglobin in male
Ans : 14.5g/ 100ml
*The normal concentration of haemoglobin in female
Ans : 13.5gm/ml
*Basic unit of Haemoglobin
Ans : Amino acids
*Haemoglobins are present in
Ans : RBC
*Blood is known as the
Ans : River of life
*Blood is a type of
Ans : Vascular connective tissue
*Epithelium is a tissue devoid of
Ans : Blood
*The blood cells known as the warrior of the body
Ans : WBC
*Haemoglobin contains iron and protein parts
*The colourless fluid connective tissue is
Ans : Lymph
*Largest lymph gland is
Ans : Spleen
*Mollusca has - Blue coloured blood
*Anneliods has - Green coloured blood
*Lymph is the intermediate between blood and
Ans : Tissue
*Elephantiasis affect the 
Ans : Lymphatic system
*The pigment gives green or blue colour to blood of lower group animals
Ans : Haemocyanin
*The mineral essential for the synthesis of Haemoglobin
Ans : Iron
*The deficiency of mineral causes Anaemia 
Ans : Iron
*The pigment that transport oxygen in blood
Ans : Haemoglobin 
*Blood bank in the humanbody 
Ans : Spleen
*The chemical used in blood bank to prevent blood clotting
Ans : Sodium Citrate
*In humanbody the substance which prevents blood clotting
Ans : Heparin
*The type of WBC which produces Heparin 
Ans : Basophil
*The mineral which helps blood clotting 
Ans : Calcium
*The vitamin that enhance blood coagulation
Ans : Vitamin K
*The blood cells help in blood coagulation 
Ans : Platelets
*Colourless blood cell 
Ans : Platelets
*The blood cell which has long life span 
Ans : RBC
*Life span of RBC 
Ans: 120 days
*RBC is known as the 
Ans : Erythrocytes
*The blood cell which provides immunity 
Ans : WBC
*The virus which causes AIDS will attack 
Ans : WBC
*WBC is also known as 
Ans : Leucocytes
*Hepatology - Study of liver 
*Haematology - Study of blood 
*Herpatology - Study of reptiles 
*Hippology - Study of horse
*The process of engulfing microbes by WBC 
Ans : Phagocytosis 
*The condition of inability to clot blood is known as
Ans : Haemophilia 
*The condition of increasing the number of WBC in the blood 
Ans : Leukaemia 
*pH of human blood 
Ans : 7.4
*The organ which helps to maintain the pH of blood
Ans : Kidney
*At a time, a healthy person can donate 
Ans : 300ml of blood 
*RBC are produced in 
Ans : Bone marrow
*Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B9 are essential for the synthesis of 
Ans : RBC
*Universal Donor 
Ans : Blood group O
*Universal Recepient  
Ans : Blood group AB
*Most seen blood group  
Ans : Ove
*Rarest blood group   
Ans : AB-ve
*The blood components are
Ans : Plasma, blood cells and platelets
*The platelets are otherwise known as 
Ans : Thrombocytes
*The condition in which clostridum bacteria enters the body through injury 
Ans : Tetanus
*After clotting of blood a fluid oozes out from the injury called
Ans : Serum
*The indicator used to measure the amount of blood in human 
Ans : Ivan's Blue
*Examples of artificial blood
Ans : Haemopure, poly Haem


*55% of blood is 
Ans : Plasma
*The liquid part of blood is 
Ans : Plasma
*92% of plasma is 
Ans : Water
*The osmotic pressure of the body is controlled by
Ans : Albumin
*The fibrinogen helps in
Ans : Blood coagulation 
*Anticoagulants are the substances help 
Ans : Blood clotting
*The minimum time required to clot the blood 
Ans : 2-3 minutes


*The blood groups were discovered by
Ans : Karl Landsteiner
*Land Steiner discovered the blood in
Ans : 1901
*Rh factor was discovered by
Ans : Karl Land Steiner
*The antigen A and B are seen at the surface of
Ans : RBC
*The blood can be divided into 4 types according to the presence or absence of
Ans : Antigen
*Antigens are seen at the surface of
Ans : RBC
*Antibodies are present in
Ans : Plasma
*If the blood contains antigen A, then the blood group is 
Ans : A
*If the blood has antigen B, blood group is 
Ans : B
*AB is the blood group having both antigen
Ans : A and B
*Blood group without having antigen 
Ans : O group
*World blood donation day 
Ans : June 14
*National blood donation day 
Ans : October 1
*The important antigens are 
Ans : Antigen A and B
*Normal amount of glucose in 100ml blood 
Ans : 80-120mg
*The Injection taken for diabetic patients 
Ans : Insulin
*Father of blood transfusion 
Ans : James Blundell
*The rare group of human blood 
Ans : Bombay group (K zero)
*The blood group known as H/H or Oh 
Ans : Bombay group
*Bombay blood group was discovered
Ans : Bombay
*Bombay blood group was discovered 
Ans : Dr.Y.M.Bhende
*Bombay blood group was discovered 
Ans : 1952
*The blood group which does not express H antigen .
Ans : Bombay group
*The blood group which cannot form antigens A or B on their RBC
Ans : Bombay group
*The disease known as Royal diseases bleeder's disease
Ans : Haemophilia
*Haemophilia is otherwise known as 
Ans : Christmas disease

Blood group      Able Donate     Able to Receive
*A                      A,Ab                  A,O
*B                      B,AB                 B,O
*AB                   AB only             All groups
*O                      All groups           O  



*The heart is situated in a chamber called 
Ans : Mediastinum
*The membraneous envelope around the heart is called
Ans : Pericardium
*The organ which pumps blood to all parts of the body
Ans : Heart
*An adult human heart weighs about 
Ans : 500g
*The heart of fish consists of
Ans : Two chambers
*Amphibian heart consists of
Ans : Three chambers
*Reptilian heart consists of
Ans : Three chambers
*Crocodile's heart consists Of
Ans : 4 chambers
*In mammals and birds, the heart consists of
Ans : 4 chambers 
*Human heart consists of 
Ans : 4 chambers
*The upper 2 chambers of heart are 
Ans : Atria (Auricle)
*The lower 2 chambers of heart are 
Ans : Ventricles
*The right chambers receive
Ans : Impure blood 
*The left chambers contain 
Ans : Pure blood
*The pure blood from lungs will collect to the 
Ans : Left atrium
*Pulmonary vein carries pure blood from 
Ans : Lungs to heart
*The only vein which carries pure blood from lungs to heart
Ans : Pulmonary vein
*The blood vessel which carries pure blood from heart to different parts of body
Ans : Aorta
*The largest blood vessel and artery in human body 
Ans : Aorta
*The smallest artery in human body is 
Ans : Coronary artery
*The blood vessels which supply blood to heart muscles
Ans : Coronary artery
*The blood from right atrium reaches to right ventricle through 
Ans : Tricuspid valve
*Through the bicuspid valves blood reach from left atrium to
Ans : Left ventricle
*The opening of pulmonary artery and Aorta at its origin provided with three cup like valves called
Ans : Semi lunar valves
*The plastic used to make artificial heart valve
Ans : Teflon
*Human heart beat rate is about 
Ans : 70-72 times / minute 
*The rate of heart beat in woman 
Ans : 78-82 times / minute 
*The duration of contraction of heart in a heart beat
Ans : 0.3 second
*The duration of relaxation of heart 
Ans : 0.5 seconds
*The volume of blood pumped into the heart at a single heart beat
 Ans : 70ml blood 
*The heart beat rate of a foetus 
Ans : 200 times/ minute 
*In new - born babies the rate of heart beat 
Ans : 130 times/minute
*The instrument used to measure the heart beats
Ans : Stethoscope
* Stethoscope was discovered by 
Ans : Rene Laennec
*Heart beat is controlled by 
Ans : Medulla oblongata 
*Heart beat increases with increase in temperature and decreases with decrease in temperature
*The person who gave the reason for heartbeat is electric impulses
Ans : Johanas Evangelista Purkinje
* Pace maker is known as the 
Ans : Heart of the heart 
* SA node is also known as
Ans : Pacemaker of the heart
*The condition in which the heart beat decreases is called 
Ans : Bradycardia
*The condition of increasing heart beat is called
Ans : Tactycardia
*First implantable cardiac pacemaker was discovered by
Ans : Wilson Great batch 
*Instrument used to measure the blood pressure
Ans : Sphygmomanometer 
*Sphygmomanometer was discovered by an Italian scientist 
Ans : Riva-Rocci
*The blood pressure of a normal healthy man
Ans : 120/80 mm Hg
*The contraction of ventricles results a pressure called
Ans : Systolic pressure (120mm/Hg)
*The relaxation of ventricles results a pressure known as
Ans : Diastolic pressure (80 mm/hg)
*The condition in which the blood pressure raises abnormally(140-90mm/Hg) 
Ans : Hypertension
*Headache, Fatigue, giddiness etc are the symptoms of
Ans : Hypertension 
*Hypertension is known as 
Ans : Silent killer
*The decreasing of normal blood pressure is called
Ans : Hypotension
*The father of blood circulatory system is 
Ans : William Harvey
*The capillaries were discovered by
Ans : William Malphighy
*The father of humanbody science is 
Ans : William Harvey
*Blood capillaries are minute blood vessels that connect
Ans : Veins and arteries 
*ECG (Electro Cardio Gram) is the equipment used to detect the working of
Ans : Heart
*ECG was discovered by 
Ans : William Einthovan 
*Heart is the only organ which is not affected by 
Ans : Cancer


*The first successful heart transplantation was performed on
Ans : December 3,1967
*First transplant in 1967 was performed by 
Ans : Prof. Christiaan Barnard 
*First transplant was performed at the 
Ans : Groote Schuur hospital, South Africa


*The first successful heart transplantation in India was performed on 
Ans : August 3,1994
*The first successful heart transplantation in India was performed by 
Ans : Dr. Venugopal 
*National Heart Day 
Ans : August 3


*First artificial heart was developed by 
Ans : Dr. Robert.K. Jarvik (1946) 
*First artificial heart 
Ans : Jarvik 7
*First artificial heart transplantation was performed in 
Ans : France (1982)
*First artificial heart transplantation was performed at
Ans : Pampidou Hospital, Paris
*First artificial heart transplantation was performed by
Ans : Dr. Alain Carpentier 
*First recipient of permanent artificial heart
Ans : Barnie Clarke
*The man who lived most years with artificial heart
Ans : William J. Sholder
*The first successful heart transplantation in India was performed at
Ans:All India Institute of Medical Science, Delhi
*First successful heart transplantation in Kerala was performed on
Ans : May 13, 2003
*First successful heart transplantation in Kerala was performed by
Ans : Dr. Jose Chacko Periyapuram
*First successful heart transplantation in Kerala was performed at
Ans : Medical Trust Hospital, Ernakulam


*The study of teeth is known as
Ans : Odontology
*The study of arrangement of teeth 
Ans : Orthodontology 
*Human being has 
Ans : 32 teeth
*Teeth are made up of
Ans : Dentine
*The exposed part of teeth is called
Ans : Crown
*Crown of the teeth is made up of the hardest substance in human body called
Ans : Enamel
*The hardest material in the body
Ans : Enamel
*The part of teeth inside the jaw is called 
Ans : Root
*Opposum has most number of 
Ans : Teeth
*The element essential for healthy teeth 
Ans : Fluorine
*The cavity inside the teeth is called 
Ans : Pulp cavity
*The blood vessels and nerves of teeth are seen inside the
Ans : Pulp cavity
*The temporary teeth present in childhood is known as
Ans : Milk teeth
*Milk teeth appears after six months from birth
*Milk teeth in human are 20 in number and wisdom teeth are
Ans : 4
*The teeth erupt between eighteenth and twenty-fifth year are called
Ans : Wisdom teeth 
*Premolar and molars used to 
Ans : Grain food materials 
*Elephants have 
Ans : 4 teeth
*Substance used to fill cavities caused by tooth decay
Ans : Dental amalgams


*The pH of saliva is
Ans : 6.8
*Daily secretion of saliva 
Ans : 1 to 1.5 Itr.
*Enzyme present in Saliva 
Ans : Ptyalin or amylase 
*The antimicrobial enzyme present in saliva 
Ans : Lysozyme
*The viral infection affects salivary gland (parotid gland) is called 
Ans : Mumps
*The disease that can spread through saliva 
Ans : Rabies
*The element that are excreted through saliva are
Ans : Mercury, Tin, Iodine etc 
*The carbohydrates in the food we eat will break into maltose by the help of 
Ans : Ptyalin


*The beginning part of small intestine is known as
Ans : Duodenum
*The length of small intestine 
Ans : 7m
*The liver' and pancreas seen in
Ans : Duodenum 
*Duodenum is 
Ans : U shaped
*Last part of the gastrointestinal tract
Ans : Large Intestine
*The intestine which extracts water and salt from solid wastes before they are eliminated from the body
Ans : Large Intestine
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