SSCCHSL16Jan2017MorningShift Related Question Answers

26. Identify the diagram that best represents the relationship among the given classes.Cricketer, Footballer, Indian

27. A piece of paper is folded and punched as shown in the below question figures. From the given answer figures, indicates how it will appear when opened ?

28. Processed data is known as

29. Who invented logarithms?

30. The largest gland of the human body is

31. Photosynthesis in plants takes place in

32. Insects that transmit diseases are known as

33. _________ gets converted to phosgene, when exposed to sunlight.

34. Who discovered benzene?

35. Who was the architect of Gateway of India?

36. Bhangra is a folk dance of

37. If the break-even quantity for a factory whose variable cost of manufacturing a cell is Rs. 15 and selling price is Rs. 24 is 2,400 units, find the fixed cost of the factory?

38. At the equilibrium price

39. Which of the following gases emitted from automobile exhaust is poisonous?

40. Molybdenite is an ore/mineral of

41. Which state has decided to recruit transgender people as jail wardens?

42. What are Equinox days?

43. Which is the largest Union Territory of India?

44. Mahatma Gandhi was born in which year?

45. Jahangir was born in the year

46. Who won the Bharat Ratna on his 100th birthday?

47. Physical quantities, which have _______ only and no _______ are called scalar quantities.

48. Sudden fall in the barometric reading is an indication of _______.

49. The Rajya Sabha members are elected for a term of _____ years.

50. The National Anthem was adopted by the Constituent Assembly in

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