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You Are On Multi Choice Question Bank SET 3372

168601. For Intel Core i3 processor, GMCH is integrated with :

168602. In order to perform a critical task in timeliness, a multimedia system may use which of the following disk scheduling?

168603. An omega switching network with n CPU and n memories requires how many switches?

168604. The minimum pit length for a single layer DVD is :

168605. A pipelining system with n segments takes 50 sub operations in a sequence. The time taken to complete a sub operation in each segment is 8 nsec. If the task is completed in 424 nsec, what is the value of n?

168606. In multiprocessor system, a processor generated signal that serves to prevent other processors from using the system bus as long as the signal is active can be called as :

168607. At the beginning of an instruction cycle, the content of the Instruction Register is 5 and that of Program Counter is 320. When the instruction is read, the address part of the instruction is the number 7. Then the effective address in relative address mode is :

168608. The return address from a subroutine call is arranged as :

168609. The Bootstrap Loader resides in :

168610. The IRQ commonly assigned to Hard Disk Controller is :

168611. For DDR2 type RAM with 8 internal blocks and clock speed533 MHz, the maximum averageperiodic refresh rate can be :

168612. An operating system written as a set of procedures in which, each can call any other without any reservation is :

168613. A program in execution state is called as :

168614. A situation in which a multiprogramming system spends more time in page I/O :

168615. Calculate the average access time for the sector of a disk with 512 bytes per sector and 10 ms of average seek time. The disk rotates at a speed of 7200 rpm and transfers data at a rate 4 MB/Sec. The controller overhead is 1 ms. Assume that there is no service time :

168616. When a process wants to print a file, it writes the file name in a directory called :

168617. In a demand paging system, M is the time to access memory, F is the average time to service a page fault. P is the probability of page fault. Then the effective access time is :

168618. Externally defined symbols are resolved by :

168619. The initial value of a semaphore that ensures only one of the many processes enter the critical session is :

168620. Debugging a kernel code is a difficult task, because of:

168621. Which of the following HTML tag has an attribute called Frame?