1. In a class there are 15 boys and 10 girls.Three students are selected at random.The probability that 1 girl and 2 boys are selected is

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MCQ-> Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions. Certain words/phrases are given in bold to help you locate them while answering some of the questions. Until the 1960s boys spent longer and went further in school than girls, and were more likely to graduate from university. Now, across the rich world and in a growing number of , poor countries, the balance has tilted the other way. Policymakers once fretted about girls’ . lack of confidence in science but this is changing. Sweden has commissioned research into its “boy crisis”. Australia has devised a reading programme called “Boys, Blokes, Books and Bytes”. In just a couple of generations, one gender gap has closed, only for another to open up. The reversal is laid out in a report published on March 5th by the OECD. a Paris based Rich country thinktank. Boys’ dominance just about endures in maths: at age 15 they are, on average, the equivalent of three months’ schooling ahead of girls. In science the results are fairly even. But in reading, where girls have been ahead for some time, a gulf has appeared. In all G4 countries and economies in the study, girls outperform boys. The average gap is equivalent to an extra year of schooling. The OECD deems literacy to be the most important skill that it assesses, since further learning depends on it. Sure enough, teenage boys are 50% more likely than girls to fail to achieve basic proficiency in any of maths, reading and science. Youngsters in this group, with nothing to build on or shine at, are prone to drop out of school altogether. To see why boys and girls fare so differently in the classroom, first look at what they do outside it. The average 15year old girl devotes five and half hours a week to homework, an hour more than the average boy, who spend more time playing video games and trawling the internet. Three quarters of girls read for pleasure, compared with little more than half of boys. Reading rates are falling everywhere as screens draw eyes from pages, but boys are giving up faster. The OECD found that, among boys who do as much homework as the average girl, the gender gap in reading fell by nearly a quarter. Once in the classroom, boys long to be out of it: They are twice as likely as girls to report that school is a “waste of time”, and more often turn up late. Just as a teacher sused to struggle to persuade girls that science is not only for men, the OECD now urges parents and policymakers to steer boys away from a version of masculinity that ignores academic achievement. Boys’ disdain for school might have been less irrational when there were plenty of jobs for uneducated men. But those days have long gone. It may be that a bit of swagger helps in maths, where confidence plays a part in boys’ lead (though it sometimes extends to delusion:12% of boys told the OECD that they are familiar with the mathematical concept of “subjunctive sealing”, a red herring that fooled only 7% of girls.) But their lack of self Visit discipline drives teachers crazy. The OECD found that boys did much better in its anonymised tests than in teachers assessments. What is behind this discrimination? One possibility is that teachers mark up students who are polite, eager and stay out of flights, all attributes that are more common among girls. In some countries, academic points can even be docked for bad behaviour.Choose the word which is opposite in meaning to the word DOCKED given in bold as used in the passage.
MCQ-> A school consisting of a total of 1560 students has boys and girls in the ratio of 7:5 respectively. All the students are enrolled in different types of hobby classes, viz: Singing, Dancing and Painting.One-fifth of the boys are enrolled in only Dancing classes.Twenty percent of the girls are enrolled in only Painting classes.Ten percent of the boys are enrolled in only Singing classes.Twenty four percent of the girls are enrolled in both Singing and Dancing classes together.The number of girls enrolled in only Singing classes is two hundred percent of the boys enrolled in the same.One-thirteenth of the boys are enrolled in all the three classes together.The respective ratio of boys enrolled in Dancing and Painting classes together to the girls enrolled in the same is 2 :1 respectively.Ten percent of the girls are enrolled in only Dancing classes whereas eight percent of the girls are enrolled in both Dancing and Painting classes together.The remaining girls are enrolled in all the three classes together.The number of boys enrolled in Singing and Dancing classes together is fifty percent of the number of girls enrolled in the same.The remaining boys are enrolled in only Painting classes.What is the total number of boys who are enrolled in Dancing ?
MCQ-> Instructions: Read the following information carefully to answer the questions given below. In a college, 150 students of MBA are enrolled. The ratio of boys and girls is 7 : 8 respectively. There are three disciplines namely marketing , HR and finance in the college. In marketing discipline there are 50% girls of their total number and the boys are 40% of their total number. In HR discipline, girls are 30% of their total number. Finance discipline has girls, 20% of their total number and boys 30% of their total number. 7 boys and 9 girls are in HR and marketing both. 6 boys and 7 girls are in HR and finance both. 5 boys and 8 girls are in marketing and finance both. 2 boys and 3 girls are enrolled in all three disciplines.What percentage of students are enrolled in all three disciplines?
MCQ-> Answer the questions given below based on the following data:A total of 250 students of a class play different games viz. Football, Hockey, Chess, Badminton, Table Tennis and Tennis. The ratio of girls to boys in the class of 250 is 13 : 12 respectively. 50% of the girls play Table Tennis and Badminton only. 20% of the boys play Football, Hockey and Tennis only. 15% of the boys play Tennis and Chess only. The ratio of number of girls to boys playing Tennis and Chess only is 2 : 3 respectively. 30% of the girls play Hockey and Chess only. 10% of the girls play Chess, Badminton and Table Tennis only. The remaining girls play only Football. Boys playing Table Tennis and Badminton only is 20% of the girls playing the same. 40% of the boys play only Football. The remaining boys play only Chess.What is the total number of students playing Football?
MCQ-> Study the following information carefully to answer the given questions.This data is regarding number of Junior Coliege students, Graduate students and Post-Graduate students (PG) only, studying in colleges A, B, C and D. The respective ratio between the total number of students studying in the Colleges A, B, C and D is 3 : 5 : 2 : 5. In College A, 40% of the total number of students are Junior College students. Out of the remaining, the respective ratio between the number of Graduate students and number of PG students is 5 : 4. In College B, $${2 \over 5}$$th of the total number of students are Junior College students. Out of the remaining, the respective ratio between the number of Graduate students and number of PG students is 5 : 3. In College C, 50% of the total number of students are Junior College students. Out of the remaining, $${5 \over 8}$$th are Graduate students and the remaining are PG students.In College D, 35% of the total number of students are Graduate students,$$ {8 \over {13}}$$th of the remaining students are Junior College students and the rest 1500 are PG students.What is the respective ratio between the total number of graduate students in College A and the total number of Graduate students in College B?
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